Dear Old Fort Schools Families, Staff, and Community Members,

As we move well into the second semester and come out of the winter season, there is much to celebrate within our district. From the success of our reading challenges at the elementary school to the excitement surrounding the upcoming high school musical, the energy around our schools is visible. It's an exciting time, as we continue to foster growth and achievement both inside and outside the classroom.

Our students are preparing for state assessments, with staff diligently working to ensure each student is equipped to succeed. As we look ahead to spring, we’re also excited about field trips, graduation celebrations, and the many opportunities that come with the changing season.

Ongoing Professional Development for Our Staff
One of the core pillars of our district is ensuring that our staff has ongoing opportunities for professional growth. To support this, we have designated professional development days throughout the year. On March 21st, our teachers and staff will engage in collaborative workshops focused on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Artificial Intelligence in education, and Behavioral Management Techniques. These sessions will provide valuable tools and strategies to further enhance our educational approach and support student success.

2025-2026 School Calendar Now Available
We are pleased to announce that the 2025-2026 school calendar is now available on our website. We encourage all families to take a look and start planning ahead for the next academic year. It’s always a great idea to stay informed about key dates, including holidays, breaks, and other important events.

Commitment to School Safety
The safety of our students, staff, and community remains our top priority. Recently, our administration met with a CSTAG (Comprehensive School Threat Assessment) consultant to review threat levels and ensure we have proactive measures in place. This collaboration, along with ongoing training for our staff, ensures we are prepared for any situation that may arise.

We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of safety professionals who elevate our efforts. Don Pratt, our Safety Director, is now an ALICE Trainer and will be leading staff training on how to respond to critical incidents. Brittni Faist, our Director of Student Services and Preschool, is a trainer for Crisis Prevention Intervention and Trauma-Informed Care, and she trains various staff members annually. Additionally, Breena Lofquist, our Elementary Principal, is a certified trainer in Restorative Practices and has led many positive experiences for both students and staff. These ongoing efforts ensure that we maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.

Strategic Planning: Portrait of a Graduate
We are in the midst of our Strategic Planning process, and I want to express my gratitude to the 19 individuals on our committee, including students, as well as our ESC consultant, for their dedicated time and contributions each month. We are currently in the "Portrait of a Graduate" phase, where we are working together to define the key competencies we want every student to have by the time they graduate.

This is a collective effort, and we invite our community—students, staff, and families—to participate in this important conversation. A brief survey is included in this newsletter to gather your input. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us create a vision that ensures all of our students are prepared to be lifelong learners and positive contributors to society.

Thank you for your continued support as we work together to provide an exceptional educational experience for every student in our district.

Warm regards,

Cindy Endsley, Ed.S.
